Comparing the OpenVMS ODS and the Linux ods5 file systems
ODS is the On Disk Structure and names a file system which was
first used in RSX on PDPs. That was level 1. ODS-2 designates level 2, which
is used in VMS, nowadays named OpenVMS, on all its platforms: VAX, Alpha and
I64 (1). It is the standard file system for VMS.
ODS-5 (on disk structure level 5) is the follow up version of the ODS-2. It
was introduced with the NT-Affinity program, to store Windows-NT file names
in a VMS file system. While ODS-2 is restricted in naming a file, length of
file name, uppercase characters, etc. ODS-5 removes or lifts these
restrictions. It supports more valid characters in file names and presents
itself as case preserving but case blind. Later, ODS-5 was enhanced for
the VMS COE version to meet Posix requirements: again, more valid filename
characters, now case sensitive, with support for Posix hard-, softlinks and
timestamps. Internally ODS-5 is a "superset" of ODS-2.
The ods5 file system for Linux supports level 2 and all level 5 variants.
The ODS level 2 and 5 file system is not so much different from other
hierarchical file systems. The only big difference is how users look at it.
VMS users usually look through the Record Management Services (RMS). Unix
users usually don't know what records are. If a unix user asks a VMS guy how
the file system works, he is confronted with two different worlds: RMS and
As on other file systems, ODS files are organized in directories. On the ODS
disk there is a root directory. It is called the master file directory
(MFD). It's not that the master knows all, just an entry into the directory
tree listing all the files and directories at its level.
Compared with a Unix file system, the filename space and on ODS-2 the time
stamps and on the lack of symbolic links are the main differences.
Additionally, ODS directories maintain file versions. If you list a
directory with the VMS DIRECTORY command you will see the version as
part of the file name, a number at the end of the file name, after a ';'.
VMS users usually don't have to specify the version, usually the last
version of a file, the file with the highest version number, is
automatically assumed. Usually creating a file is creating a new version
of a file. The version number is incremented by one.
The Linux ods5 file system does not assume the latest version of a file, it
sees the version as a part of the file name. Actually, the ODS file system
also stores the version number as part of the file name string in most of
its data structures. It is only the directory, which can have a single file
name string plus multiple version numbers.
The directory structure on ODS is similar to Unix file systems. However,
naming a file is different. An absolute path to a file (2) consists of a
directory path, a file name, a file type and a file version number:
"[DIRECTORY.SUBDIRECTORY]FILE.TYPE;1". A directory is a file with file type
DIR and version number 1.
The current Linux ods5 file system maps such a path to a Unix path with all
the full intermediate names: "DIRECTORY.DIR;1/SUBDIRECTORY.DIR;1/FILE.TYPE;1"
VMS uses an additional software layer between user programs and the file
system: RMS - Record Management Services. RMS understands a great variety of
file structures, that is record formats, including ISAM, which usually
aren't available on standard Unix systems. The most often used record format
is the variable length record, where each record is prefixed by two bytes
specifying the length of the data within the record. For example the VMS
editor creates such formatted files. RMS also knows a stream LF record
format, which exactly matches Unix text files as created by Unix editors.
Some programmers don't see RMS at all, because they use the run time
environment of the programming language and the language constructs to
manipulate files. For C they usually use fopen or open which call SYS$OPEN
the RMS service to open a file. Although C doesn't know about records, the run
time environment helps to read and write text files which were created with
the VMS editor.
Programmers can call RMS services directly: SYS$OPEN, SYS$GET, and SYS$CLOSE.
Again, this is not the file system. RMS calls SYS$QIO with function codes to
access, read and deaccess the file. These QIO (Queued I/O) services are
the interface to the file system. At that level, similar to Unix systems,
there is no record structure, only a disk block. However, the file system
provides some data cells for RMS to save the file internal structure on the
disk: the file attributes. Although this looks like mixing data for the file
system and RMS it isn't a bad thing. It has to be seen as additional
information RMS or the application can retrieve about a file without opening
the file itself and reading any of its data.
The Linux ods5 file system supplies an ioctl function to retrieve RMS
Looking at C functions like open it seems that it can be mapped to an SYS$QIO
to access the file. This would work in a C or Unix type only environment
within VMS, but it would fail to interact with standard VMS tools or
A Linux file system for ODS can only implement the Unix open etc. the
equivalent of the QIO interface. It can not integrate the RMS features. A cp
from or to an ods5 file system will only copy the file data no matter what
the RMS structure was or should be. As with other Unix files, it is expected
that the application knows the internal (record) structure. Any file on an
ods5 file system which has the Linux compatible RMS stream LF record format
can be immediately interpreted as if it were a Linux file. Such a text file
appears as a text file created by a Unix editor. All other files need to be
understood by an application.
1) VAX is the processor architecture and the VAX systems have different
implementations of that architecture. Alpha started as EVAX and was AXP in
between. Alpha is the processor architecture and there were chips
implementing it, starting with EV4 or 21064. I64 systems are Integrity
Servers based on Intel's 64 bit processors, the Itanium ones. Itanium is the
processor architecture, which is sometimes called IA64 or IPF.
2) VMS has a multiple root file system. The roots are the disk devices. They
are part of a fully specified filename and are a prefix to the absolute path
to a file as explained above: "DEVICE:[DIRECTORY.SUBDIRECTORY]FILE.TYPE;1".
With DECnet and several nodes in a network, the roots are the nodes. They
are part of the fully specified filename and are a prefix to the device:
3) The RMS functions have uppercase names, however in VMS almost all compilers
by default uppercase external names. So programmers became used to write
lowercase names, even in languages which are case sensitive. So you may see
the RMS open function be referenced as "sys$open".